Iron Body - 500 Years In The Future (OP07)
Product Details:
Card No: OP07-095
Rarity: C
Color: Black
Card Type: Event
Cost: 2
Power: -
Counter: -
Attribute: -
Type: CP9
Card Set: -500 Years in the Future- [OP-07]
[Counter] Up to 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains +4000 power during this battle. Then, if you have 10 or more cards in your trash, that card gains an additional +2000 power during this battle.
[Trigger] Up to 1 of your Leader or Character cards gains +1000 power during this turn.
Card Questions/Ruling:
I activated this [Counter] effect when I had 9 cards in my trash. At this time, can I give a total of +6000 power to 1 of my Leader or Character cards?
Yes, you can.