Kid & Killer -Memorial Collection- (EB-01)

Kid & Killer -Memorial Collection- (EB-01)

  • ₱112.00
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Product Details:

Card No: EB01-003
Rarity: R
Color: Red
Card Type: Character
Cost: 4
Power: 5000
Counter: -
Attribute: Slash/Special
Type: Supernovas/Kid Pirates
Card Set: -Memorial Collection- [EB-01]

[Rush] (This card can attack on the turn in which it is played.)
[When Attacking] If your opponent has 2 or less Life cards, this Character gains +2000 power during this turn.

Card Questions/Ruling:

  • If this Character gains +2000 power according to this [When Attacking] effect, and then during that turn the number of my opponent's Life cards becomes 3, does this Character still have+2000 power?
    Yes, it still has +2000 power.